“The Vampire Hunter’s Apprentice: The Count of Coal Country”

“Railroad passes?”

Although he worried he may lose his nerve, he disembarked at Howesville and walked the last six miles to Kingwood.

Continue reading ““The Vampire Hunter’s Apprentice: The Count of Coal Country””

A Homemade Map for “The Snowman of Bishops Fell”

A map of the Norse “Eastern Settlement” in Greenland.

I drew this map of the Eastern Settlement (one of two communities in Norse Greenland, existing from roughly 985-1450) back in 2013 for an unrelated project. While not whatsoever perfect (or accurate!), someone reading “The Snowman of Bishops Fell” may at least get an idea as to the location of the action. 

You’ll notice a cross labeled “Gardar” just above the separation between the images. This was the location of St. Nikolaus Cathedral (and the residence of the bishop). You may also imagine that one of the three mountainous triangles immediately to the right of that location is Bishops Fell


Coming Soon: “The Snowman of Bishops Fell”

Set in Norse Greenland during the 15th century, “The Snowman of Bishops Fell” concerns a band of Norse Greenlanders sent into the mountainous wastelands east of the settlement to destroy an outlaw who seems to have harnessed supernatural powers.

I wrote the first draft of “The Snowman of Bishops Fell” in either late 2016 or early 2017.  Continue reading “Coming Soon: “The Snowman of Bishops Fell””